Palmer Mill

Palmer Mill Road running between State Highway 1 and State Highway 5 is part of the northern boundary of the Taupo Ecological District.

As residents of Palmer Mill Road and side roads we are concerned about the rats, mustelids (stoats, weasels, ferrets) and possums preying on our native wildlife (birds, reptiles and invertebrates) and damaging vegetation including native trees and our gardens. Possums browsing in the tree canopy reduce flower, fruit and seed production. Rats consume fruits and seeds. The initiative ‘‘Predator Free New Zealand by 2050” seeks to preserve our unique and fragile ecology nationally. 

With the backing of Predator Free Taupo we have initiated the Palmer Mill Predator Free Group to support recovery of our natural heritage and protect it for future generations. Our goal is to create a mammalian predator free corridor ideally at least a kilometre in width along the length of Palmer Mill Road. 

Please join us to eliminate predators (rats, mustelids and possums) from the Palmer Mill Road area. There is plenty you can do to help. From reporting mustelid sightings to undertaking predator control on your property or assisting others to set up and monitor traps. 

We report our progress on the Trap NZ website accessed at

For more information contact Margaret on 027 292 1872.